You can also find some [not so] cool websites in the Links section
- Advertising is a cancer on society
- You block ads in your browser, why not in your city?
- The HTML Hell Page - 99.9% of Neocities' websites
- The AI Revolution: The Road to Superintelligence
- Counter-Anti-Disintermediation - Countering Web centralization with P2P
- The Forgotten History of the World's First Trans Clinic - I hate the Nazis so much!
- Livros que sobravam nos sebos, mas agora... entraram para a lista de extintos - I think I kinda relate to this, because I went in a sebo recently and found Norwegian Wood by Murakami in spanish and the recepcionist said it was good even but it was 70 reals and I think I thought it was a japanese book so I shouldn't read a translation to learn spanish so I didn't buy it, but then later I must have read something that made me change my mind and it got me thinking I'm never gonna see that book ever again in a sebo probably, and now it's another book in my list of books to read and I have a regret. So yeah, if you see a book in a sebo that you kinda like, go and buy it or you're gonna regret for the rest of your life, like he said: "make good use of the chance that could be unique in your life". And this also applies to websites and images, please, bookmark somewhere if you see a site that interests you, I have lost at least 2 great sites forever (neocities 4chan banner archive and estrogen guar gum) because I didn't bookmark them and everyday I think of them. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
- Kaiba - trippy avant-garde memories shit. I love the artstyle and the soundtrack. Also one of the rare things made in 2008.
- Serial Experiments Lain - trippy computer (computer!! :DD) shit. This anime also brought me to Neocities, which I'm forever grateful for.
- Girl's Last Tour - very chill slice of life about two girls in a post-apocaliptic land. Sadly the anime never got an end.
- Lucky Star - Pretty funny slice of life about 4 girls. I heard someone say you can't discuss anime without having watched this.
- Neon Genesis Evangelion - i didn't like the End of Evangelion tho, didn't make any sense to me, different from the canon ending, which i liked (Parabains!)
- Eles não usam black-tie - I love the way the characters interact, and the build-up to the story is fantastic.
- Celeste - Great level design, great artstyle, banger soundtrack, and runs natively on Linux. This game is perfect, a masterpiece!
- Everybody Edits & Every Build Exists - Great game I found back when I played on Click Jogos. It died around 2020, with the killing of Flash, and Everybody Edits! (with the exclamation) is in development, but another copy called Every Build Exists was created. I played Every Build Exists a bit and they seem to be doing well, releasing new stuff and all.
- Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy - I'm gonna be serious I find this game really relaxing, especially after you beat it for the first time. Falling down and hearing Goin' Down The Road Feelin' Bad is such a feeling, and Bennet Foddy's voice is spot on. The lore is nice as well.
- Hollow Knight - Some say it's the best Metroidvania out there. It has an awesome lore, and absolutely no oversights. I love this game to the point of trying mods and Pantheon of Hallownest All Bindings. I even made some posts here about it. It's a really simple game, and maybe that's why I like it so much. My favourite boss is probably Broken Vessel/Lost Kin, dude got the moves, and the coolest music in the game! Talking about music, this game has some amazing musics and scores by Christopher Larking, including the Pale Court, a separate live session of White Palace. Sadly I lost the magic, like I have with Celeste, from playing so much trying Pantheon of Hallownest All Bindings.
- Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition - I can't put into words how this game is so good. 4J Studios did a really good job here. For some measure, it already had the updated The End long before it came into Java Edition (with the bedrock nest in the middle), and it has eating animations for 3rd person. I liked that the world was limited. So many good memories. Then came the mess that is Better Together.
- No More Room In Hell - I used to play this game all the time, the past-sleep-time gang was the best, I loved it. It's a free (as in beer) mod of Half-Life or something where you do missions or survival in a zombie world. It's pretty fun when nobody knows the map, but can be fun with some friends who know the maps. It has some impossible achievements. I think it runs on Linux, haven't played ever since, and I think it's open-source. There's also a sequel coming. It used to be fun playing with the spanish guys singing Feliz Navidad, nice times.
- Portal & Portal 2 - Great puzzle games and extremely well made story, ambience and things. Don't forget to also check out the mods Portal Stories: Mel where you think outside the box and Portal Reloaded where you think with time travel.
- Project Zomboid - Super-realistic isometric zombie survival game. This game has some funny history behind it. Anyway, I don't follow the news, but they progressed a lot in the development recently, there was a time where progress was very slow. It's very hard, and pretty fun sometimes, although kinda slow, and you can play with a friend in split-screen. It's those games where your only guarantee is that you're gonna lose, and you create another game with the knowledge of past games. Also, it runs natively on Linux. Also check out Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, of which this game was inspired from, and which is even harder than PZ.
- Undertale - Fun at times, scary at others, beautiful at times, gross at others, this game has it all. 3 epic endings, banger soundtrack and a deep story, all made by a single determined guy.
- Tricky Truck - Go through obstacle courses to deliver the cargo with a truck, and you need to park it correctly. Very fun game with support for community maps, with a difficult level editor. Tho apparently it's now dead :(
- Toki Pona - This language is an unintentional joke. It has 137 words and is super easy to learn. Very context dependent.
- Lojban - The Logical Language. This conlang is more serious, has a proper dictionary, wikipedia language, is more complete overall. Has cool things like tone markers. I heard it can only be used fully if spoken by a native speaker, so if you're having a child, you have an attempt at making the first Lojban native person in the world. Overall this is a great language and I wish to learn it in the future.
- 2024 Olympic Shooters - Turkish guy got silver with his hand in the pocket! Just gonna do some shooting here real quick. Some real [I don't know the name] energy. And the memes, oh my god, I love the Korean novice vs Turkish master memes!
- É na sola da bota é na palma da bota - so good lmao. From 5 years ago and this still lingers in my head
- Rainbow Stickman Dancing - My name is Giovanni Giorgio, but everybody calls me... Giorgio. doo doo doo dooroo... I love this stickman so much, we used to send it in a Discord server, I think we have it as emoji there too.
- Time Trap - I like the scene where she gets out and there's the spaceship in the sky. Didn't like the end though, like what do you mean they didn't get traumatized from all that?
- Poor Things - Weird and kinda funny in some way movie. Don't watch with kids.
- 127 Hours - I think I read this story on Ribbit, it was perfectly depicted in this film.
Emma Stone or Yorgos Lanthimos - Emma starred in the weird and kinda funny Poor Things and The Favourite. But Yorgos also directed both of these films, so I don't know if it's Yorgos or Emma who's good
- BASED RETARD GANG - Their mixes(?) are so good! I love them. Makes me happy.
- Demetori (a) - Found this one in osu!. Super cool guitar sounds. I think it's inspired by touhou.
- Koronba - How do i begin saying about this man... He is a rare gem that I found back when I played osu!. His music is incredible. I love iofnrru Tn zeduaiolqs Ryegen and Etgrre. Some of you may know him as the author of LcdDem. He has some lore, there's a guy named ころんば0号 who documented everything about him, but it's in japanese. [Spoiler] Very very very sadly he's not with us anymore (in the internet or irl, we will never know). There are many tributes/imitations to/of him, I have a playlist with some of them that I found. He made me find so many great artists like とりぴよ, x0o0x, 全てあなたの所為です/Imitate Community, Speder2 (who's probably just Koronba), 2gou. (who's probably just Koronba), Kaku P-Model/Susumu Hirasawa, Mr. Asyu, Geolyte Meteos (Animal Crossing MAD guy), さしゃまる (Minecraft MAD guy), and probably others I forgot. He got me into Vocaloid and UTAU.
- Polyphia - Guitar gods. Can't describe the genre of this, something like rock. And one of the guys has a sick guitar
- Speed Dealer Moms - Found this when searching artists for my playlist. Don't know for sure if it's DnB, it's some weird combination of electronic with dnb stuff, and it's incredible. Music of my dreams type incredible. Kinda has a Portal 2 vibe to it. Also check out Venetian Snares, guy who plays part of this band and makes equally incredible music.
- MASTER BOOT RECORD - Avant-garde and chiptune together? 100% dehumanized? Count me in.
- Hollow Knight Piano Collections - Sealed Vessel gave me shivers, but you need a good earbud of course.
- Kaiba Soundtrack - I like The Tree Song and Initialize Me and Planet and Memories. This soundtrack is great.
- Portal Soundtrack - Some extremely eerie tracks and some banger breakcores. Other than the breakcores, I like No Cake For You as well.
- Portal 2 Soundtrack - Cool electronic mixed with natural sounds. They have an artstyle that I've rarely seen replicated, only in one or two musics. I remember I think I found one in osu! which had this vibe, it was Figue Folle by Igorrr & Ruby my dear (had to dig my profile for this), but I think i've seen others but don't remember.
- The Lion King Soundtrack - What a soundtrack! Classics such as Circle of Life and Hakuna Matata, great musicals such as Be Prepared and Can You Feel the Love Tonight, and absolutely epic scores like This Land, Under the Stars and To Die For
- Top Gear Soundtrack - I love old games, their soundtracks are always insanely good. Also check out F-Zero, Donkey Kong Country and all Kirby soundtracks (I only played Kirby's Dream Land and Adventure, but they are all good).
- UNDERTALE Soundtrack - Great game. Absolute classics right here. You can tell I'm a sucker for soundtracks lol
- Harpsichord - It plays in some of my favourite pieces: Machiavellian Bach and Mantis Lords. Why do I like the sound of this so much? I don't know! It just sounds so cool.
- Captain Sparklez - Fallen Kingdom - Absolute Minecraft classic. It's even better than the original song.
- Christopher Larkin - Lace - Seems like a live session as well. Christopher Larkin is on another level. Silksong is gonna be great.
- Depeche Mode - Light - Depeche Mode is great overall, but this one is special.
- Helblinde - Putin's Boner - another gem I found on osu! Maybe I should play osu! again with all the hidden gems I found there.
- Christopher Larkin - Pale Court - White Palace is already good, now a live session? Damn. I still keep wondering what happened to the Pale Court album that was promised.
- Super Mario Odyssey - Steam Gardens - Never played Super Mario Odyssey, but this is such a bop! Doo Doo Dooroo Doo Dooroodoorooooo, Doo Doo Dooroo Doo Dooroodooroooooo, Doo Doo Dooroo Doo Dooroodoorooo Doo roo Dooroo Dooroooooooooo
- Desireless - Voyage Voyage - Everyone plays this song here in Brazil, along with other 80s songs. Why are 80s things so fricking good man. Btw the synth that fades in and out before the drop gives me vibe of something I can't remember.
- Megaman 2 Wily's Fortress 1 - Discovered this music from Everybody Edits. Spent some time trying to find it, but here it is!
- Cheese bread - It can be hard to find a good one tho. Luckily I have a supermarket next to my home that sells big good ones.
- Coxinha - Same with Cheese bread, some can be not so good, maybe too much mass, or a bad cream. The Coxinha from Dois Corações in Curitiba is fantastic.
- Pudding - I mean this pudding. This is the best sweet ever
- Zezé Folhado Doce - Brazilians reading this, search for this biscuit in your local markets. This is so good you eat the entire package in 2 days, but it can be hard to find.
- Bombinhas - SC - Cool place to see some bulls in the hills, eat some fish by the beach. I have a handful of good memories of this place. I love beaches in general.
I used to have an account on reddit with a lot of subreddits followed. I since deleted the account and kept its content stored in a place in my hard drive, but sadly i have no access to it anymore because it got burned (probably) Edit : My hard drive didn't burn, I checked my hard drive yesterday for some new subreddits, enjoy. Here's some cool subreddits which i followed that I remember from my head or that I found:
- r/ATBGE - Things that have Awful Taste But Great Execution, incredibly weird things
- r/AutomatiCautionDoor - Everything Automatic Caution Door
- r/CrossView - View 3D images by crossing your eyes. Some of them have cool signatures!
- r/dontdeadopeninside - Everything Dont Dead Open Inside
- r/FreeGameFindings - I still check out this one daily for some good free games and Steam events. At least once a year there's a great game for free.
- r/HaircareScience - Everything hair care
- r/lgballt - LGBT memes in country balls style. I like the lore behind the characters, like i like the asexual people with their garlic bread (still don't get why garlic bread is tied to them), and the genderfluid guys being literally fluids
- r/LucidDreaming - Some stories are interesting, like the guy that had a talk with his inner self (his ego or some shit that that Freud guy invented). Personally, I've tried lucid dreaming like 3 times and failed in all of them, never had a natural lucid dream either, I just ignorantly wake up when I find out I'm dreaming.
- r/MaliciousCompliance - Complying maliciously. I love that one story about a guy who ordered a bazillion pizzas
- r/meirl - me_irl but with actual me in real life memes
- r/PlatinumUserClub - Exclusive club for platinum winners
- r/ProgrammerHumor - Used to frequent this sub when I knew basic python and felt the most awesome person. I wouldn't get half the jokes, but I felt intelligent when I understood. I remember I wouldn't for my life understand what they're saying when arguing who's the best i3 dwm or awesome... Ha ha... Ha ha ha...... (i3 clearly wins)
- r/sbeve - Everything S(he) be(lie)ve(d). Challenge try not to remember minecraft steve
- r/softwaregore - Everything bad software
- r/starterpacks - Starter packs. Sometimes there's a good one.
- r/steamachievements - Nice sub to show off your steam platinums. I had an interesting coincidence with another guy once.
- r/Tautology - Things that are things because they are things
- r/TheMonkeysPaw - The paw curls as it grants your wish
- r/The10thDentist - Unpopular Opinion but better
- r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns - Just found out, IT DIED. Dude it was the best subreddit out there. It's what they say, all good things must come to an end.
- r/TransyTalk - "A casual place for transfolk to chat about anything"
- r/Unexpected - Despite the name, this is for things that are expected, and the unexpected things are the things that are expected. Did i say that right?
- r/vexillology - Flags
- r/voidpunk - Everything void
- r/Whatcouldgowrong - What ever could go wrong? This sub is for these things. I once tried to post a guy that tied a condom to his electric shower, it was so funny but the mods wouldn't let me post for nothing, i tried like 5 times with a different description, saying balloon instead of condom, but they wouldn't let me, and it was so sad because it was really funny, it got like 50 updoots in a few minutes (until the mods saw it and deleted).
- L's Voice Training Guide - Voice training guide.
- My list of comprehensible Japanese channels - A list of channels for Japanese reading/listening.
- c/Piracy Megathread (rentry) - Lots of piracy resources.
- r/ROMs Megathread - Roms, ISOs for all platforms
- Aegisub & YTSubConverter - Make cool customized youtube subtitles with these tools.
- Anki - Spaced repetition app. I like that, different from language learning services like Duolingo and Renshuu, it doesn't try to know if you got it right or wrong, you have to make the choice for yourself if you got it right, so it's much better. It's very customizable, has cloud saving and android app (AnkiDroid), and it's free in both senses.
- FFmpeg - Great command-line tool for editing and converting videos. I've done some serious editing in here but it was miserable. It's good for trivial stuff like extracting part of a video or converting which video editors are too overkill and unsuitable, or for automating tasks. Though I'm more of a command-line person so it might not suit you well if you're not like me. I like to use it to record my screen, although not as flexible as OBS, it's less resource-heavy (I can just barely record Hollow Knight with this PC with ffmpeg, and I heard OBS is not good on Linux)
- Furnace - Tracker that can play PC Speaker natively, but has many other features. I think it's a fork of DefleMask. It's extremely customizable.
- GIMP - Some people may say it's hard, maybe it WAS hard but it's definitely not anymore. I came from Photoshop and adapted pretty easily. If you don't know how to do something just search for it. Some other people may say it sucks, well it does everything I need, so why would it suck?
- i3wm - Oh i3 my love. It was passion on first sight, I never tried any other tiling wm. i3 does tiling wonderfully, you can set tiled windows, turn a window into dynamic mode and it's pretty easy to reorder windows onde you get the hang of it. And it's extremely customizable, for example, I put an xdotool command in my navigation keys so it centers in the window every time I move, which removes the need for borders. It's incredible.
- Kagi - Great paid search engine that I got to try when it was in beta-testing, made by the same guy who made Teclis and TinyGem. I don't know if it's based on Googol but the results are really great, and there are some useful tools to personalize your search. If you have the money, go for it.
- Librewolf - Fork of Firefox with real privacy in mind. Comes bundled with uBlock Origin and an about:config configuration forked from arkenfox.
- Nicotine+ - Soulseek FOSS client. Want Lossless FLACs? This is the way, but there's also many other things here. It's like a qBitTorrent with a search function. I found the Hollow Knight Wanderer's Journal and the Hollow Knight Piano Collections here.
- Stellarium - Software for viewing stars and space things. I used it to look for that one comet from 2022 or 2023(?). There's also another software where you can travel in the space but i don't remember the name
- Vim - One of the best text editors out there for sure. This site was entirely made in Vim. It is extremely powerful if you can learn it, but it's impossible to master it. It's one of those things where you're always finding new features. Now that I've learned it, I don't know how I'd live without it. It is very logical. It's extremely customizable, has support for substitutions, macros, and even spell-checking and many other things, and it is highly extensive with plugins. Just check Comparison of text editors, it checks almost all the boxes. For example I just did a macro on links.html to turn paragraphs (
) into list items (<li>
) and just typed@@
in every paragraph to turn the entire page into list items, and I just changed a link in a href to another by doingdi""+P
inside the quotes, and I can navigate extremely fast withF
and that's just 1% of what it can do. - WhosIP - This specific tool retrieves information about a website that conventional whois tools don't display. For example, try on and in WhosIP, they give different information.
- Lucky Patcher - Great app to pirate games, get stuff for free, remove ads and more, like some interesting patches for Whatsapp. Better with root.
- Nonograms Katana - I love nonograms, and this app satisfies all my need for them. It is really good, feature-full. Can't detail much as it's been a while since I ever touched a nonogram, after a bad encounter with some ultra-hard nonograms (one i spent a month trying to solve). It's even better after you get the no-ads version by paying or using Lucky Patcher.
- - Found this searching for "foss task apps" or something like that. It does everything I need: Shows a notification for started tasks, repeats a task for X days, repeats a task every X days; and has many more things, like task location, tags, list, subtask, attachment, description. Tho sometimes a reocurring task bugs and shows up twice in the same day, making you miss the task tomorrow because you completed it twice today.
- Youtube Revanced - It's basically Youtube Premium with cool features. Things like sponsorblock, play with smartphone turned off and picture-in-picture, return youtube dislikes, hide spotlight comment so you don't get spoiled and more. If you don't want to patch it yourself or can't, there's a Github repo with Revanced builds.
Firefox Add-ons
- LibRedirect - Redirect sites like ThouPipe and Ribbit to their alternative front-ends (Invidious and LibReddit). Can set your own instances and has alternative front-ends for many different sites.
- Rikaitan - Japanese dictionary. Hover over a word with Shift pressed and it will tell you its meaning.
- Temporary Containers - Open tabs in a cookie isolated container, enhancing privacy and security. Also pretty useful just for the containerization, you can open two accounts at the same time or one logged in and another logged off pretty easily. The only downside is that you need to set cookies manually if you want them.
- uBlock Origin - Not to be confused with the impostor uBlock! Block ads, bad sites and annoyances. Extremely needed in the current web. It's a life changer.
- U+1D400 to U+1D7FF Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols Block - Letters in bold, italic, bold italic, script, bold script, fraktur, double-struck, bold fraktur, sans-serif, sans-serif bold, italic, and bold italic, monospace. Small dotless i and j, greek letters, digits.
- U+200C Zero Width Non-Joiner - The character everybody uses to make those impossible to find Youtube videos.
- U+2800 Braille Pattern Blank or Dots-0 - The other character everybody uses to make those impossible to find Youtube videos.
- U+034F Combining Grapheme Joiner - Whitespace character that's way cooler than ZWNJ.
- U+20D0 to U+20FF Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols Block - No idea how I found this, but it has some cool combining characters, like the Combining Enclosing Circle.
- U+12000 to U+123FF Cuneiform Block - Based writing system with based symbols.
- U+130B8 Egyptian Hieryglyph D052 - Penis
- U+1F574 Man in Business Suit Levitating - It's a man in business suit levitating!
- Arabic script in Unicode - Has some funny characters like the and ﷽
- 703 - Honor Societies - I love tautology
- 859 - ( - ) Here I closed it
- 927 - Standards
- 936 - Password Strength - I wonder how hard would it be for my password to be cracked.
- 2347 - Dependency
- 2699 - Feature Comparison - Tumblr in the mud. I heard some people complain the Mastodon one is not accurate.
- 2998 - Ravioli-Shaped Objects
- 3010 - Geometriphylogenetics
- 3014 - Arizona Chess
- Alberta Tech - Funny programmer
- AlphaBetaGamer - Great gameplay channel without voice. Can enjoy some hard and obscure games.
- August - Genderfluid guy. How.
- Baka Gaijin - Portuguese reflections and talking shit in alleys in Japan
- Ben Palmer - Troll guy. Things like Book of Faces trolls, fake ChatGPT, etc.
- Boy Boy - Demaskerading the injustices of life or something like that.
- Brick Bending - LEGO torture
- Car Pal - BeamNG Drive funny videos
- Chris Jones - Blender god
- Chyrosran22 - Keyboard reviews, unboxings, switch teardowns.
- Clyde n Bundy - Guy simply disappeared. Gun reviews.
- Comprehensible Japanese - Japanese reading/listening practice.
- CoolguyJommy - Things Minecraft Legacy Edition
- cyriak - Trippy music videos
- Design Theory - Everything design
- exurb1a - Philosophy. Made me learn some things. I like exam for humans.
- FitMC - 2b2t history and other things Minecraft.
- GeoWizard - Geoguessr god and things like straight line missions.
- Ian Neves - Communist guy. I love his series on "speak portuguese alien son of a bitch". Talks about some interesting things in the world, but I heard you should not take all he says without skepticism. His stream triggers are incredible. "Peguei o esquema! Peguei o esquema caralho" and "Um gay" are my favourites (not counting the "speak portuguese" of course).
- JREG - Psicology, politics, and other things in a crazy and fun way, i think. Also some music videos.
- Kelsey Ellison - One eye gal. Seems like also an actress
- Kosmic - Super Mario Bros. speedrunner. SMB speedrun history and things
- Loczniki - NPC guy
- lukeafk - Funny omegle trolls
- Mattias Krantz - Biblically accurate musical instruments
- Matt Rose - Funny reading posts
- Photo Owl Time Lapse - Timelapses with things like food, some of them going over 2 years
- Qxir - The most crazy tales
- SalC1 - Minecraft things history, PtW server duping, etc.
- shiey - Illegal Freedom
- styropyro - Crazy mad scientist laser guy
- Technology Connections
- The Linux Experiment - Linux and Open Source news
- ThrillSeeker - Everything Virtual Reality
- Wirtual & WirtualTV - Trackmania history, gameplays.
- Ignorância Zero - Curso Python - Python course for portuguese speakers. He explains things really easy to understand and straight to the point unlike that other guy that I hate. I learned a bit of Python here.
- 【太鼓の達人】 彁 (Movie:Fiz) - The best glitch animation you'll ever see
- 一龠 / feat.flower - Cool kanjis
- Mesmerizer / Hatsune Miku&Kasane Teto - what the hell is this
- Braille Pattern Blank - "Me after lobotomy"
- Uta Utane or Defoko - The default UTAU voicebank. Singed in I think 全てあなたの所為です。's "..", and ヤツメ穴. I love her voice so much, and it's UTAU! And the half-open eyes are swag.