- Linux - The amount of modularization is so good! Like I can put one thing as desktop manager and another thing as window manager and another thing as bar and my own keybindings and the list goes on and so I can make my own super specifically customized system, something you can not even dream in Binbows. And everyone working together is so nice. Unix/Linux history is epic as well.
- The Linux command-line - So powerful... I can do so many things with it. I love it so much I made this website inspired from ncurses.
- Two monitor screens - I made a post here about it. It's definitely a life changer. Like I can put one screen to read and another to write.
- Steam - Although they have been kinda bad for the last few years, their client has really cool features, like the forum and reviews, and they contributed a lot to Linux gaming for free (i know, it paid off with the Deck sales).
- Sleeping - I love sleeping, the dreams are a nice escape from reality, and very creative ones; I composed an entire song in one. I just don't like to go to sleep and it's the time i'm most creative so i have to note the ideas in a paper and hope i'll remember it the next morning (which i almost never do [write])
- Black and White and Frutiger Aero aesthetics - I love the black and white aesthetics like in merveilles.town and 100 rabbits, i like the minimalism in it, don't know the name of it tho. I also love the Binbows 7 aesthetic, such a beautiful system!
- Programming - I love the thought of putting a machine out of my thoughts and out of nothing, and for free! Being able to create your own tools is incredible. I love the working together and the community around it. And sometimes it's pretty fun to do it.
- People who put flowers as pfp - I think it's really elegant. Liking flowers is an elegant hobby. Please keep doing that if you're a flower pfp'er, I appreciate it.
- Classical Music - It's in the name: They're classics! I always wonder why there aren't any contemporary classical composers, what happened that there's only composers from century XIX? Anyway, Lizst, Rachmanioff, Tchaikovsky, Bach, Chopin etc. all great composers. Also, I like when they release all their anger into the piece.
- Moths - Got in love with them after I discovered the Radiance is a silk moth. They are so fluffy cute and with the antennae! Also some are terrifying huge (Related, see this post). Way cooler than butterflies.
- Drum and Bass - Oh my god this genre is so good. The genre of my dreams. Just check out Venetian Snares to see what real music tastes like. It's incredible.
- Spanish language - Oh I love spanish, such a beautiful language, like they say "hermosa" for beautiful, isn't that so elegant? Also they say "hazmerreír" for clown which I find quite funny (read "a lot"). Maybe I like all romance languages, as I like portuguese as well. This is a nice language, i'm learning it cause I love it so much.
- Wikipedia - I used to edit in Wikipedia. I worked in pretty much everything: tidying up articles, writing articles (not very good at that), patrolling (kinda stressful but fun), adding hatnotes and categories. The only thing I think I didn't do was messing up with templates because I was too scared. I love the wikipedia culture: the "ensaios", meme articles, the big boys (I once got a thanks from a big boy, felt awesome), the "esplanada" and discussion section posts and wars, and other things. Man it was fun, I wish I could come back some other time...
- Shiritori - Japanese people have some sort of inner talent in making games. Shiritori, Sudoku, Picross, and let's not talk about all the videogames. Shiritori is pretty fun in group and as a bonus you learn japanese (except words that end with ん)
- Brazilian memes - I don't mean memes that brazilians stole from gringos (what I like to call as "os gringo cria o brasileiro copia"). I mean stuff like those super funny captions with someone important ("Nao grita" with Neymar in grayscale, "poetico" with john smith in grayscale, "confia", etc.), the discord emojis like "medo", those dragon ball and rock skeleton says that appeared every now and then on twitter, é na palma da bota é na sola da bota, and many more. What can I say, brazilian memes are incredible.