Deep thoughts
Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back everything is different?
―C.S. Lewis
A imaginação é mais importante que o conhecimento
―Albert Einstein
Does that mean AI is good? They are imaginative but dumb
When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth
―Dawn of the Dead
Quem não tem tempo para se exercitar vai ter que encontrar tempo para cuidar da doença.
If art is how we decorate space, music is how we decorate time.
―@J_Salzer's friend Bobby
―Guy on renshuu
Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can undestand.
―Martin Fowler
A melhor forma de convencer uma pessoa é concordando com ela
―Ian Neves
Uma pessoa inteligente aprende com os seus erros, uma pessoa sábia aprende com os erros dos outros
―Augusto Cury
A vantagem de ser inteligente é que podemos fingir que somos imbecis enquanto o contrário é completamente impossível
An intelligent wolf is better than a foolish lion.
―Matshona Dhliwayo
Do you pine for the nice days of minix-1.1, when men were men and wrote their own device drivers?
―Linus Torvalds
I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones
―John Cage
Good performance, because luck is for the weak
It's what it's
If buying isn't owning, then piracy isn't stealing
Piracy is not stealing anyways, as copying is not stealing
Pero que si, pero que no
―Guy at my school
If you believe in something as hard as you can, with your eyes shut tight... eventually it will come true!
―Marmu, Hollow Knight
Nós não estudamos história para entender o passado, mas para entender o presente.
―Ian Neves
Losing all hope was freedom. Once I stopped hoping to fit, to be liked, accepted, I became free. Nothing can stop me now
―Guy on Youtube
Gender is a scam made by bathroom companies to sell more bathrooms.
O segredo é acreditar que tudo vai dar certo... porque vai!
I hope
Broken but whole
―South Park
It's hard to win a discussion against an intelligent person, but it's impossible to win against an idiot.
An idiot admires complexity, a genius admires simplicity.
―Terry Davis
To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.
―Friedrich Nietzsche
Se é que há esperança, a esperança está nos proletas!
―Winston Smith, 1984