Finally fixed the back button, after more than 2 years broken, I found out I just had to remove the bottom css rule from the post's nav, but the fix wasn't so simple because I had to find a way to make the bottom work only in the rest of the website and not on the posts, and I didn't want to change every single post html to add a class to the nav. Thankfully we have Stack Overflow, I found the solution there.
Fixed articles' Back button being slightly off
Added voidpunk button and that I made it
Created "An easy way of converting hours and adding units" article
Maps -> Added Isochrone map
Entertainment -> Added noclip and LinuxPDF
Created Learning section and moved Aprenda Mais, Escola Virtual Gov, Gender Dysphoria Bible, Notes on Music Theory, renshuu, and Tatsumoto's Guide to Learning Japanese to there
Utility -> Added petpet generator
Singles -> Added Fallen Kingdom
Software -> Added Anki
Animes -> Added Lucky Star
Music -> Added Instruments section and Harpsichord inside of it
Added quote about everything being different from C.S. Lewis
Created "Designing the perfect keyboard - stub" post
Ordered Music Radios alphabetically
Music Radios -> Added "Ondas Livres"
Personal Websites -> Added DEXCENTRAL
Ordered "Singles" alphabetically by song name
Singles -> Added Voyage Voyage by Desireless
Reads -> Added "Livros que sobravam nos sebos, mas agora... entraram para a lista de extintos"
Added quotes about no more room in hell from Dawn of the Dead and imagination by Albert Einstein
Merry xmas and happy new year everyone!
Orange Websites -> Added chipsweb and Citadark
Music -> Artists -> Added MASTER BOOT RECORD
127 Hours -> changed "[REDACTED]" to "Ribbit"
No More Room In Hell -> Uncapitalized spanish
LibRedirect -> changed "[REDACTED] and [REDACTED]" to "ThouPipe and Ribbit"
Boy Boy -> Added description
Youtube -> Channels -> Added Alberta Tech
Temporary Containers -> Added about containerization usefulness
xkcd -> Added xkcd 3014
Added Googol, those guys on thoupipe, and fireworks people
Added Brazilian memes
Added quotes about time to exercise by somebody, and art and music decorating space and time by @J_Salzer's friend Bobby
Removed reading section (ehh)
Created "A genius method of peeling an orange I saw in Morretes" article
Entertainment -> Added Squares in Squares
Games -> Added Tricky Truck
Megathreads -> Added r/ROMs Megathread
Artists -> Added Polyphia
xkcd -> Added xkcd 3010
Programming -> Added about being able to make your own tools
Added Shiritori
Reordered to newest first
Added quotes about inteligent person and wise person from Augusto Cury, the best way to convince a person from Ian Neves, code that humans can understand from Martin Fowler, and the gift of knowledge from a guy on renshuu
Added ETIB button and that I created it
DATAFRUITS.FM -> Added about when Intergalactic is not working
Entertainment -> Added The Stallman report and The DeVault report
renshuu -> Added "in flashcard style"
xkcd -> Added xkcd 2998
Girl's Last Tour -> Added "very chill"
Games -> Added No More Room In Hell
Added Wikipedia
Added quote about the advantage of being intelligent by ciencia-nuaecrua
My OC -> Added update about [not] burnt hard drive and twitter backup
Entertainment -> Added Radiooooo
Personal Websites -> Added Ciro Santilli and マリウス
Utility -> Added Strands for Trans
Piracy Megathread -> Changed to dbzer0 wiki and rentry
Subreddits -> Updated burnt hard drive stuff as hard drive is not burnt. Ordered entries alphabetically. Added r/AutomatiCautionDoor, r/Tautology, r/vexillology, r/ATBGE, r/LucidDreaming, r/TransyTalk, r/HaircareScience, r/steamachievements, r/lgballt, r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns, r/Whatcouldgowrong, r/Unexpected, r/ProgrammerHumor, r/starterpacks, r/softwaregore, r/PlatinumUserClub and r/MaliciousCompliance
xkcd -> Added xkcd 703. Fixed - misstyped as = in xkcd 859
Added Spanish Language
Added quote about minix from Linus Torvalds and intelligent wolf from Matshona Dhliwayo
Fixed september (month 9) typo being mistaken as november (month 11)
Reading -> Changed to "Contos Consagrados by Machado de Assis"
DATAFRUITS.FM -> Added about finding it in and site being fun
Utility -> Added Web 1.0 Hosting,
Orange Websites -> Added HamsterCMS
Top Gear Soundtrack -> Also check out -> added "all Kirby soundtracks"
Music -> Singles -> Added "Megaman 2 Wily's Fortress 1"
Hollow Knight -> Added about my favourite boss, and about music
Heat above 25º -> Changed to "Very hot days" and added that arthropods stop hiding
Added Drum and Bass
Added quotes about being what it's from somebody, good performance instead of luck from a friend, and ideas from John Cage
Changed everything according to the new Quotes page.
Celeste -> Added about running on Linux
Portal -> Changed "great story" to "extremely well made story, ambience and things".
Games -> Added Project Zomboid
Japanese Language -> Added "it uses the SOV word order"
Summer -> Changed to "Heat above 25º", added "low body pressure", and about trips
Classical Music -> Added Chopin, and about liking when they release their anger
Added Moths
Created Quotes page, with quotes i've gathered.
Added quotes about hope from Winston Smith, living from Friedrich Nietzsche, admiration standpoints from Terry Davis, winning a discussion from somebody, being broken from South Park, the secret from the Balinha, what gender is from somebody, losing hope from a guy on Youtube, what we study history for from Ian Neves, believing from Marmu, a funny thing a guy at my school used to say, and piracy from
Good Things About Brazil -> Added section about Laws
Intergalactic FM -> Added part about liking new things
Created "Megathreads" sub-heading in Subreddits
Moved "L's Voice Training Guide" to Megathreads
Megathreads -> Added "My list of comprehensible Japanese channels" and "r/Piracy Megathread"
Music -> Albums -> Added The Lion King Soundtrack
Misc -> Added "Utane Uta or Defoko"
ffmpeg -> Renamed to FFmpeg
FFmpeg -> Added part about liking to use it to record my screen
Created "Unicode" section containing "U+1D400 to U+1D7FF Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols Block", "U+200C Zero Width Non-Joiner", "U+2800 Braille Pattern Blank or Dots-0", "U+034F Combining Grapheme Joiner", "U+20D0 to U+20FF Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols Block", "U+12000 to U+123FF Cuneiform Block", "U+130B8 Egypytian Hieryglyph D052", "U+1F574 Man in Business Suit Levitating", and "Arabic script in Unicode"
xkcd -> Added xkcd 859
Software -> Added i3wm
Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition -> Added about 3rd person eating animation
Added "People who put flowers as pfp" and "Classical Music"
Moved Articles nav link to before Links
Added Love nav link
Changed text to match new Love section
Utility -> Added Tatsumoto's Guide to Learning Japanese and Lemmy Explorer
Entertainment -> Added
Top Gear Soundtrack -> Added Donkey Kong Country in "Also check out" -> Added about reocurring task bug
Youtube -> Channels -> Added Comprehensible Japanese
Added Programming and "Universitary Sertanejo songs about envy, love and betrayal stuff"
Created Love page with things that I love that are not Things
Added Linux, Linux command-line, Two monitor screens, Steam, Sleeping, Black and White and Frutiger Aero aesthetics, and Programming
Games -> Added Undertale
Games -> Added missing Getting Over It link
Games -> Moved Everybody Edits to order alphabetically
Music -> Singles -> Added Steam Gardens - Super Mario Odyssey
Memes -> Added 2024 Olympic Shooters
Software -> Added Android subsection, with apps Lucky Patcher, Nonograms Katana, and Youtube Revanced, and moved to here
Youtube -> Channels -> Added CoolguyJommy
Created article "My Android Customizations"
Added "Reading" where I show what I'm currently reading
Reading -> Added Books in my shelf that I never read and were collecting dust series: Diary of Anne Frank
Created article "Good Things About Brazil"
Entertainment -> Added DreamBank
Utility -> Added BBC Sound Effects, Listography, Aprenda Mais, Escola Virtual Gov
Maps / Radio Stuff -> Added Notable People Map
Subtitle -> Added "exhaustive"
Animes -> Serial Experiments Lain -> Added "This anime also brought me to Neocities, which I'm forever grateful for."
Japanese Language -> Added about pitch accents and stroke order. Changed "I love icy tea" example with "After drinking icy tea, let's do work"
Created article "Setting up dnscrypt-proxy on Artix OpenRC with netifrc"
Had mixed X with Y and put xkcd after Youtube, fixed that by moving xkcd to before Youtube
Added website button
Fixed code being 2 pixels upwards of normal text
Fixed list being too close to heading
i3blocks_powerline.html -> Updated with note about Terminus working with any font
trying_nixos.html and trying_void_linux.html -> Added note about Clicker Heroes not working in Artix either, added missing article posted and updated date
trying_void_linux.html -> Fixed huge padding in code blocks
Youtube -> Re-added Matt Rose
Subreddits -> FreeGameFindings -> Removed phrase about Fanatical, added phrase about a great game once a year.
Created "I entered the void... and left it" article
Trying NixOS -> Fixed "nix-collect-garbage" and "environment.systemPackages" missing code tag
Added "There's a bajillion words with irregular kanji readings." in Japanese Language
Created Books section with book "Eles não usam black-tie"
Games -> Added Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition
Music -> Albums -> Added Top Gear Soundtrack
Software -> Added Kagi
xkcd -> Added xkcd 936
Created "Is NixOS good? I tried it" article
Created "xkcd" section with xkcd's 927, 2347, and 2699
Added paragraph about that I made most of the art here
Added missing Hate link
Added Nazis item
Reads -> Added "The Forgotten History of the World's First Trans Clinic"
Added missing Librewolf link
Software -> Added and GIMP.
Games -> Added Getting Over It with Bennet Foddy
Games -> Hollow Knight -> Added "It has an awesome lore", adapted text to fit in
Food -> Coxinha -> Changed "incredible" to "fantastic"
Youtube -> Channels -> Baka Gaijin -> Added "and talking shit" and "in Japan"
Moved Changelog to its own page, changed the website accordingly
Created the "Hate" section with things that I hate, and changed the website accordingly
Added "alt" to all logo images
Moved L's Voice Training guide from Links to Things
Added "Librewolf Now!" button
Changed buttons from id to class
Hollow Knight -> Added "It's a really simple game, and maybe that's why I like it so much."
Places -> Bombinhas -> Changed link to point to OpenStreetMap
Software -> Added Librewolf
Youtube -> Channels -> Removed Brick Experiment Channel, Matt Rose. Added Design Theory
JREG -> Changed "Things mind-related" to "Psicology"
Vim -> Changed text to say "It is highly extensive with plugins"
My OC -> Added paragraph about inhuman beings.
Added "Updated" metadata
Added "Image Description:" to all image aria-labels
Created the changelog
Changed "Epilepsy Warning" to "Photosensitive Warning" in Orange link title
Added "Instead I make them links that you have to open. I add aria-labels to the image links as alt text" to accessibility paragraph
The youtube algorithm isn't broken, it's doing better than you think -> Added aria-label text to image link
Created "My OC" post.
Created mention to my Foundkey short thoughts profile
WIRED-7 -> Added aria-label text to image link
added "CW gore" to last paragraph of NSFL section
Added ffmpeg to Software
Kaiba -> removed "This is a masterpiece"
Created section Memes to add meme "É na sola da bota é na palma da bota"
Changed the "Videos" section to "Youtube", with a subsection "Videos", and created "Playlists" in Youtube to add Ignorância Zero - Curso Python
Youtube section - Created a subsection Channels with channels: AlphaBetaGamer, August, Baka Gaijin, Ben Palmer, Boy Boy, Brick Bending, Brick Experiment Channel, Car Pal, Chris Jones, Chyrosran22, Clyde n Bundy, cyriak, exurb1a, FitMC, GeoWizard, JREG, Kosmic, lukeafk, Matt Rose, Mattias Krantz, Photo Owl Time Lapse, SalC1, shiey, styropyro, The Linux Experiment, ThrillSeeker, Wirtual & WirtualTV
Food -> Added Coxinha
Vim -> Added "It is very logical"
Games -> Added Everybody Edits & Every Build Exists