Good Things About Brazil

Remember that meme "You're going to Brazil"? Well, be not so scared, the reality is Brazil's not that terrible, and in some cases even good, and in this post I'm gonna show you some of the cool things Brazil has to offer. Enjoy!

Note: Some items in this post were suggested by my family.

Brazil Power Plugs

Let's start with the most stupid of them all. Brazil Power Plugs! Which is the type C and N plugs. Nothing beats Brazil's powerplugs. They should be everywhere by now but the world is dumb like that. They have the slanting to make the plug stick better, they have the plastic in the beggining of the metal stick thingy so you don't die electrocuted, they can be put any way you want (except with those with grounding), and they can be small. Unlike the overengineered monsters that are used in the UK and the shits that don't stick that are used in the USA. The only downside I could find is that some plugs are too fat and won't fit in some outlets.

SUS - Public Healthcare

Imagine having to pay to get your health in day. The SUS is awesome, but it's terrible, the medics often don't work, and often you need to wait the entire day to finish the health center queue and get to talk to a medic, but free healthcare! You can even get free sex reassignment surgery but it takes 20 years to finish the queue! Jokes aside, getting extremely needed medicine for free is amazing, and not having to pay a million reals if you get in an accident is good.

Public Transport

Man someone in my family is the master of buses, they know all the bus routes and are able to go anywhere just by bus. I wish I knew what they know because I love the buses and public transport. Curitiba is a great city, there's a bunch of places where the place can only be walked by people and it's awesome. Tho I don't know if the entire Brazil has the great buses like in Curitiba & Metropolis. The con is that you need to create the Metrocard or URBS card and recharge it to use the buses, but again, i don't know if this is nation-wide.

Electric Shower

Someone in my family says that electric showers are bad but I think otherwise. They are the greatest invention to a struggling population! Imagine having to keep your shower open for 10 minutes just to let the water heat up. Such a waste of water! The electric showers are incredible, heats up in the spot, but they often break (who could have thought mixing water with electricity would go bad) and it's kinda a hassle when they do. Some people say they get electrocuted as well but I never did, and a guy on Youtube says you just need to connect the ground wire (he also says brazilian pizzas are actually pies, so take that with a grain of salt).

Invented Lua, WindowMaker, The plane

I always find it kinda awesome that brazilians created Lua (the programming language) and WindowMaker (the WM). Lua is used everywhere, and it's a brazilian invention! Omg! We also invented the plane which is nice and some other things that I don't remember

"Clean" Energy

We have all the hydrelectrics making up our energy, which is nice, I love and hate hydrelectrics, and I always struggle when someone says about waste of energy creating carbon emissions or something like that. But yeah, it's nice that we don't depend on things like thermal like some "more developed" countries...

Incredible Places

We have from Gramado with its fairy city to the Amazon with its fauna, from the Iguaçu waterfalls (one of the world's wonders) to the maranhenses sheets, and a bunch of fantastic beaches, the Brazilian geography is incredible. We just barely don't have snow stuff, which is why I think the only competitor to us is Argentina, Argentina has it all!

Very Chill Country

Brazil is a very neutral country, like we didn't stop importing from Russia because it was invading Ukraine, and we don't get in trouble with anyone really, very chill. The entire south america is kinda chill. Although men still have to join the army, but they only go to paint trees because Brazil doesn't do nothing. So no fear of dieing in a war. And very nice, really, to not have the constant fear of a bomb landing in your head. By the way, I just remembered that one meme where it said Brazil would be the only survivor of an ultra-atomic bomb, lol.


The brazilian culture in general is epic, but there's some bad points, like some things that go against the christian values, which is ironic. But overall, it is nice. Music is big, so many great artists. But not so much films or games for some reason. Folklore is cool as well.

Interesting Cuisine

We have the incredible coxinhas, feijoada (which i'm not a fan of, but people seem to like it), açaí (do you all gringos know what an açaí is? i'm not sure if it's brazilian, but açaí icecream is incredible), the guaraná (omg this is not a worldwide thing? no way. Guaraná Antártica is incredible!), farofa, the cheese bread... The list of amount of things you gringos are missing out is long, and it only grows as I read the Brazilian cuisine Wikipedia article. Dunno how i'd live without a coxinha and a Guaraná Antártica, man.


I found this one out because my teacher mentioned it: Apparently there are no worker laws in the USA? Well, in Brazil we have the PIS which i think is a reward for having a formal contract (what we call "carteira assinada"), the work card ("carteira de trabalho"), we have the FGTS, and 13rd salary. I don't know, I don't work so I can't say much about this, but worker laws are really big here it seems.

Also, there's the LGPD, which is similar to the GDPR from Europe, which is very nice, I can request for any company to delete my data and stuff.

Phew, that's all there is in Brazil, and who knows what many more great things there is in this incredible country! Overall, I love living in Brazil, and would think twice before moving to another country. It's what they say, "Brazil's bad but it's good, the exterior's good but it's bad."