During my first run, in Morretes, we went to a restaurant, and there I saw a friend doing this trick to open an orange that I really find genius, it's very practical, way better than cutting the orange. Here we go to the steps:
- Cut the skin of your orange in quarters, like a basketball if it didn't have those two ellipsoids. Be careful not to cut too deep or the entire quarter with the insides will split apart in step 2.
peeling-orange-1.jpg - Grab the top or bottom of one quarter and pull it all to the end, making adjustments if necessary
peeling-orange-2.jpg (hand reveal!) peeling-orange-3.png - Repeat for the other 3 quarters
- Tadaa, you have a perfectly peeled orange!
I've never used the cutting method ever again to open an orange. By the way, the orange for this tutorial was sour as hell, I ate it crying.